However, I didn't have any paper that I thought would suit the project. This week when I was looking at some felt ornament projects a light bulb went on.
This is my stitched paper ball. The white paper is not quite as stiff as card stock. I thought of embroidering snowflakes in each triangle but I wasn't sure I was going to like a stitched card ball so I dug out my (only) decorative punch and some blue mulberry paper.

Though the star is obviously too big I am quite pleased with the results. It sort of reminds me of something made out of thin white leather.
I made my circles 1 1/2 inches diameter then I punched the stars and glued the mulberry paper to the back. The finished ball, with the protrusions, is a little less than 3 inches around.

The next time I make one I will try making the circles 1 3/4 inches. I have made a pdf document that has the pattern for twenty 1 3/4 circles with the triangles marked. It could be printed on the back of some pretty card stock. Or one might be able to run fabric, with freezer paper or iron on interfacing on the back, though their printer. I see this done on blogs all the time, but I haven't tried it.
To see or download my pdf click here.
The next time I sew one I may lightly stuff the ball with poly fill. The paper held up fairly well until I started the last series of seams. When I couldn't get my fingers inside the ball I started pushing in on the triangles and some of them are a little dimpled. No one else will notice, but I know that they are dimpled.
Variations on the theme
One can also do these with just four, six or eight circles.
Here are instructions for the six and eight.
An interesting tutorial for one that uses 12 slotted flower shapes. (No gluing of sewing required!)
And a few more tutorials for the ones with 20 circles
Here is another tutorial with interesting variations:
HP has 2 printable card balls (Vibrant Snowball and Flannel Snowball)
Here are some kits that I found:
2012 Postscript
Today I found a tutorial for a fabric ball made with 20 lined circles.

Pinwheel 2009
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